Pedro Sánchez : Requesting retract statement on unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state

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"Prime Minster Pedro Sánchez (President Socialist International),
Dear Prime Minister Sánchez,
This week you announced that Spain would recognize Palestine as an independent state, This step contradicts the previous traditional position of the Spanish government as well as many of the social democratic parties which include both PSOE and the Israeli Labor Party, epousing not to take unilateral steps for Palestinian recognution, and that a solution to this issue should be made through negotiation and agreement.
The Socialist International remains committed to working with its member parties in Palestine and Israel, whose voices are among the most prominent for peace and the two-state solution and is needed now more than ever ... windfall for the terrorist organizations that wish upon our demise ... a moral failure ... we cannot take part in an organization that does not recognize our right to exist ...You chose a path that strengthens the brutal terrorist organizations. This is not the behavior of friends and partners. Nor is it the way of cooperation between friendly countries or between sister parties ... Such a statement implies there is no place for the State of Israel to exist. This would mean ethnic cleansing for Jews in the State of Israel ... I am requesting that you retract your statement on unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state. Speaking as a social democrat to a social democrat, I expect you and the other social democrats to take a balanced approach towards Israel and not to adopt an anti-Israel line in one of the most painful and dangerous times in our history as a state".

Eran Hermoni
Secretray General, Israeli Labour (Havoda)

Eran Hermoni

See here:

- Jerusalem Post:

- El Confidencial:

"... אני רוצה להודות לבמה הרעיונית על העשיה הגדולה והחשובה שלה ..."
דניאל גיגי, פורום מפלגת העבודה

הרשמה לעדכונים

מאז 2004

כבר 20 שנה, הבמה הרעיונית היא כיכר העיר היחידה עבור חברי מפלגת העבודה.

מצב מפקד

חברי.ות מפלגה פעילים: כ-48,288
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נכון לתאריך 24.6.24, העבודה-מרצ עם 11 מנדטים (N12), העבודה 5 ומרצ 4 מנדטים (מעריב)
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